App Feature Coverage


Feature coverage

The full list of features and functionalities of the current version of the Akeneo Activation App can be found on the App page of the Akeneo App Store.

Please be aware that the attributes and features scope evolves. We aim to update you with new features regularly to provide you with a seamless user experience and extensive mapping capabilities. The app store page will be regularly updated with the latest release notes.

Please note that the App is SaaS and not customizable.




Product Variations


Simple Products 

When working with simple products with your retailers, it's essential to understand the requirements coming from the retailer or marketplace. These fields provide crucial information for managing and presenting your products effectively. 


Product Models 

Akeneo product models offer a comprehensive way to organize and manage complex product structures. To fully leverage the potential of product models, it's important to understand the requirements coming from the retailer or marketplace provided by the Akeneo Activation App


Product Variants 

Product variants enable you to offer diverse options and configurations within a single product listing.