Please be aware that the attributes and features scope evolves. We aim to update you with new features regularly to provide you with a seamless user experience.
Record Limits
Salesforce has several types of limits to ensure the performance and stability of the platform. One type of limit is record limits, which restrict the number of records that can be created or stored in a particular object.
Total number of records: Salesforce imposes a limit on the total number of records that can be stored in an organisation. This limit varies depending on the edition of Salesforce and the number of licenses purchased. Check your company information in your org to confirm your limits.
If you are a commerce cloud customer there are certain record limits in terms of product volume. Please check this document for the latest B2B commerce object limits.
Salesforce governor limits are a set of runtime limits that are enforced by the platform to ensure efficient use of shared resources and maintain system performance. These limits apply to all Salesforce transactions, including Apex code and API requests. It's important to note that our application architecture was built with governor limits in mind to avoid hitting them and optimise your Salesforce org's performance.
The Connector makes advanced use of the Akeneo REST APIs and primarily the Catalogs for Apps API is currently in use for the latest release version of the connector.
These limits can vary depending on your Salesforce edition and other factors, so it's important to check the Salesforce documentation for the most up-to-date information.
If you face issues please contact our support team to get further assistance.
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