

The current version of the Akeneo Connector for Salesforce covers the following features and attributes:

Akeneo PIM Features covered in the App

Attribute types Availability
Identifier  Available
UUID and SKUs optional  Available
Price  Available
Text  Available
Text area  Available
Number  Available
Yes-No  Available
Date  Available
Measurement  Available
Simple select  Available
Multi select  Available
Image  Not Available
File  Not Available
Asset collection  Available
Reference entity single link  Available

Product structure: attribute properties

Feature Availability
Localisable attribute (value per locale)  Available
Scopable attribute (value per channel)  Available

Product structure: Families

Feature Availability
Family Not Available
Familiy Variant Not Available


Feature Availability
Simple category tree Available
Multiple category trees  Not Available
Enriched Category Not Available


Feature Availability
Simple Product (with no variation) Available
Product Status (Enabled / Disabled)  Available

Product Model

Feature Availability
Product with 1 level of variation  Available
Product with 2 levels of variation  Available

Product Association

Feature Availability
Product with 1 level of variation  Available
Product with 2 levels of variation  Available


Feature Availability
Image assets  Available
Video assets  Available

Asset Structure

Feature Availability
Media File Not Available
Media Link Available
Assets at product level  Available
Assets at product model level  Not Available

Scope / Channel

Feature Availability
Capability to manage one eCommerce PIM Channel  Available
Capability to manage multiple PIM Channel  Not Available

Multiple eCommerce organizations/websites

Feature Availability
Capability to manage multiple eCommerce websites/storefront  Not Available
Capability to manage multiple organizations  Not Available

Measurement Mapping

Feature Availability
Capability to map the value  Available
Capability to map the value and the unit  Not Available

Attribute Mapping

Feature Availability
Capability to map PIM attribute with Product2 default fields  Available
Capability to map PIM attribute with Product2 custom fields  Available

Family Filtering

Feature Availability
Capability to choose which PIM families to import  Not Available

Product/Product model filtering

Feature Availability
Simple filter based on product completeness, status, modification date  Available
Advanced filter based on attribute values or other product properties  Not Available

Category Filtering

Feature Availability
Capability to define which category tree to import  Available
Capability to define which sub-category trees to import  Not Available

Reference Entity Mapping

Feature Availability
Capability to import only reference entity record label  Available

Media/Asset Mapping

Feature Availability
Capability to choose between PIM media attribute (image/file) and/or assets  Available

Data Synchronization

Feature Availability
Capability to trigger automatically the data synchronization (with a scheduling system)  Available
Capability to trigger the data synchronization manually (on demand)  Available
Capability to manage PIM data differential (to import only updated data)  Available
Retrying synchronization after failure  Not Available
Capability to manage large PIM data volume/complexity (or known limits)  Available
Capability to manage PIM data synchronization time in an optimized way (Time-to-market oriented)  Not Available


Salesforce Platform Field Types Supported 

Feature Availability
Text Available
Long Text Area Available
Rich Text Area Available
Encrypted Text Not Available
Email Not Available
Phone Not Available
URL Not Available
Checkbox Available
Currency Not Available
Number Available
Percent Not Available
Date Available
Date/Time Not Available
Picklist Available
Multi-Select Picklist Available
Formula Available
Auto-Number Available
Geolocation Not Available

Not Available


Commerce Cloud Features

Feature Availability
Simple Products Available
Product Specifications Available
Product Catalog (*Ref. Implementation) Partial coverage - reference Implementation here
Categories Assignment (*Ref. Implementation) Partial coverage - reference Implementation here
Common Product 2 Field Types Available
Entitlements (*Ref. Implementation) Partial coverage - reference Implementation here
Product2 Shared Data (multi-cloud)  Available
Platform Automations (Flows,APEX) Available
Product2 Data Translations Not Available
Product Variations Not Available
Product Sets  Not Available
CMS Workspace & Media Content Not Available
Multi-currency & Multi-store Not Available

Please be aware that the attributes and features scope evolves. We aim to update you with new features regularly to provide you with a seamless user experience.

Record Limits 

Salesforce has several types of limits to ensure the performance and stability of the platform. One type of limit is record limits, which restrict the number of records that can be created or stored in a particular object. 

Total number of records: Salesforce imposes a limit on the total number of records that can be stored in an organisation. This limit varies depending on the edition of Salesforce and the number of licenses purchased. Check your company information in your org to confirm your limits. 

If you are a commerce cloud customer there are certain record limits in terms of product volume. Please check this document for the latest B2B commerce object limits.

Salesforce governor limits are a set of runtime limits that are enforced by the platform to ensure efficient use of shared resources and maintain system performance. These limits apply to all Salesforce transactions, including Apex code and API requests. It's important to note that our application architecture was built with governor limits in mind to avoid hitting them and optimise your Salesforce org's performance.


The Connector makes advanced use of the Akeneo REST APIs and primarily the Catalogs for Apps API is currently in use for the latest release version of the connector. 

These limits can vary depending on your Salesforce edition and other factors, so it's important to check the Salesforce documentation for the most up-to-date information.

 If you face issues please contact our support team to get further assistance.