Import Product Offers to Activation


Manually Importing Product and Stock Data into Activation

This article explains how to manually import offer data (price/stock/condition) information into Activation using a CSV file.


Why Manual Import?

Activation already lets you import product and stock data automatically using APIs and FTP. But sometimes you need more control. Manual import lets you:

  • Make quick changes: Need to adjust a price or stock number immediately? Manual import lets you do it without waiting for the automatic systems.
  • Fix errors: If something goes wrong with your automatic data feed, you can use manual import to correct it right away.


How to Manually Import Your Data

Import/Export area: In Activation, inside a channel header. There, you'll see a special section with buttons for importing and exporting data.

Get the right file format: Activation needs your data in a specific format. You'll find clear instructions on how to format your data in a CSV file. You can download a template file to see exactly what data you need to supply and in which format.

Example file

Import your data:

  • Click the import button and choose your CSV file.
  • Activation will check your file to make sure it's in the correct format.
  • If everything looks good, Activation will import your data.
  • You'll see a message telling you if the import was successful. If there are any problems, you'll soon be able to go to the reports page to get a report explaining what went wrong.
  • Once imported, you data is visible in the Activation product grid and ready to be exported to marketplaces


What Your File Needs

Your CSV file needs to have certain columns with specific information about your products and stock. 

Here's a simplified table showing the essential parts:

Column Name Examples Required Note






10.0 ✅ / ❌ ❗Required alongside Stock information for new Offer creation and 
Optional for existing Offer updating.


USD ✅ / ❌ ❗Required alongside Stock information for new Offer creation and 
Optional for existing Offer updating.


2024-01-01 Default: NULL


2024-01-01 Default: NULL


15.0 ✅ / ❌ ℹ️ Discounted information here and bellow with “_1” can be duplicated to “_2”, “_3” and up to “_5” for a total of 5 discounts.
❗You can also have no discounted columns or all of them set to NULL for 0 discounts.


USD ✅ / ❌ ❗Required when discounted_amount is provided.


2024-01-01 Default: NULL


2024-01-01 Default: NULL


10.0 ✅ / ❌ ❗Required alongside Price information for new Offer creation and 
Optional for existing Offer updating.


new / used / etc… ✅ / ❌ ❗Required alongside Price information for new Offer creation and 
Optional for existing Offer updating.


2.0 Default: NULL


2024-01-01 Default: NULL





This will soon become available


Important Things to Know

  • File types: For now, you can only import CSV files.
  • Errors: Activation will tell you if there are any errors in your file, like missing information or incorrect numbers.
  • Storage: The data is stored in the same way as the rest of the product information