Field properties


Composition of a Field

  • Name: field identifier
  • Label: name of the field, can be localized (ex: en_US)
  • Type: as of today we support the following
    • string ⇒ no constraints (we don’t check special characters or accents …)
    • html
    • number ⇒ no constraints
    • select ⇒ multiple and simple
    • boolean
    • URL ⇒ we only check it is a valid URL
    • image_url ⇒ used to generate a preview of the image within SDM app (no video allowed)
    • media ⇒ used to trigger the media files feature

Each type can have complementary options (cf API doc, eg for number type there are decimals , number_pattern and number_substition)

We do not support the following types:

  • date, hours, video, document, measures, price, composition, table attribute

For some of the above, we have a manual workaround. (cf PIM Attribute Handling and Limitations)

  • Rules: list of rules to validate the field.
    • negate: Whether to take the contrary of the rule
    • error: The error message shown when rule validation fails
    • group: Group to which the rule belongs if it is a conditional rule

All the rules must be valid to move on to the next step, more informations: Rule & warning types

  • Warnings

Unlike rules, warnings are not blocking (even for the “required rules). Cf. Rule & warning types

  • Transformations

Transformations check value, at the Normalisation and Value mapping steps (cf API doc). Cf Transformation types

  • Requirement level
    • Required
    • Important
    • Optional (default)
  • Description
  • Mapping
  • Force mapping
  • Display Group
  • Default: Default value if the field is empty or can’t be converted