October 2023


🚀 Modification of default filters: Discover the new customized view of your jobs

Previously, when you entered the platform, the default filter showed you all the jobs you had created. From now on, you'll see all jobs still requiring action on your part.


What has changed?

New Default View: Filter by status

From now on, when you access your dashboard, the default filter will only show jobs for which you have an action to perform. This includes jobs with the following statuses: "Pending," "Processing," and "Error."

This update aims to simplify your experience by highlighting the jobs that need your immediate attention, helping you to stay focused on the important tasks. You can still access all your jobs by adjusting the filters to suit your needs.

Where Have My Jobs Gone?

We've noticed that this change has raised questions among our users about jobs that have already been completed. Don't panic, your completed jobs haven't disappeared. They are still available on the platform.

To access your completed jobs, simplyselect the "status" filter and choose "Completed." You'll be able to see the history of your completed jobs at a glance.