The Channel Notifications are designed to enhance user engagement and keep you informed about updates related to the channels you work with. By following channels of interest, you can effortlessly subscribe and unsubsribe, stay informed about key activation events such as channel requirements blocking changes that may impact your syndication workflow, and act to make sure your syndication feeds remain unblocked.
Main features
- Follow a Channel: On any channel page, users will see a "Follow" button prominently displayed in the header section.
- You will receive email notifications about important updates related to the channels they follow.
Notifications settings
- You will be able to turn the notifications on/off
- You will be able to control the cadence for when you receive notifications
How does it work?
‘Follow’ mechanism
For any Activation channel you are connected to, you will now see a "Follow" button in the channel's header at the top of the page.
- A click on the "Follow" button will automatically subscribe you to receive email notifications related to events on this channel.
- You can unfollow the channel by clicking again on the follow button. Unfollowing a channel stops you from receiving notifications for that particular channel.

There are no limits to the number of channels you can follow
Application settings
As soon as you start following a channel, a new tab called “My Settings” will be available in the left panel of the application. From there you can turn the notifications on/off and control their cadence.
- Go to the “My Settings” page
- Select the notification cadence you want to update (ie, from Daily to Weekly)
- Click "Save
Email Notifications
Once you are subscribed to channel notifications, you can receive emails related to important syndication events, like channel requirement changes.
Requirement Blocking Change
By default, you will receive one daily email notification, sent at 1:00 AM CET, if a change has been detected to the channel requirements for an activation channel you are following.
- Content: The email notification contains information about the blocking changes and includes a call-to-action (CTA) button.
- Call To Action: Clicking on the button “view changes” will take you to the Requirement Change Dashboard of the Akeneo Activation app.

Requirement Change Dashboard
- On the dashboard, you can review the catalogs/products impacted by the changes.
- Link to your PIM: while reviewing the changes that may impact your syndication feeds, you can be taken directly to your PIM to update your product content and mapping.
- Please refer to this article to learn more about the requirement change dashboard.
Failed Product Export
By default, you will receive one daily email notification, if the latest product export for a channel you follow failed (for example if the destination could not be reached or if the credentials are no longer valid)
- Content: The email notification contains information about the activation channel's latest product export.
Call To Action: Clicking on the “view reports” button will take you to the Akeneo Activation app on the channel reports page, where you will be able to troubleshoot the latest export easily.
- Please refer to this article to learn more about the channel export reports

Order Errors
By default, you will receive one email notification, if an order for a channel you follow received an order during its lifecycle (as soon as the error takes place).
You can control the cadence for these email notifications in your Activation settings:
- Options
- Never
- Daily
- Every 12 hours
- Every 6 hours
- Every 2 hours
- Hourly
- Every 30 minutes
- Every 15 minutes
- Every 5 minutes

- Content: The email notification contains information about the channel you follow order errors
Call To Action: Clicking on the “review errors” button will take you to the Akeneo Activation app in the logs tab, where you will be able to troubleshoot the latest errors easily.
- Please refer to this article to learn more about order management module

You might be logged out of the application when opening the link in an email and need to log in again (in the Activation App and perhaps in your PIM).
Please note that to limit the number of emails, you would receive a maximum of 1 email per day, no matter how many channels you follow