Value Mapping Module - Standardize Attribute Values


The Value Mapping module allows you to align attribute values from your suppliers with your own standardized values, ensuring consistency across your product catalog.


What is the Value Mapping Module?

This module helps you transform supplier-provided attribute values into the accepted ones in your system. It remembers your mappings, so your data remains consistent with your taxonomy over time.


Suppliers might send color values like "Light Blue" or "Duck Blue." With Value Mapping, you can easily map these variations to your preferred term, such as "Blue," creating consistency across your catalog.


Value Mapping can be particularly useful for "select" attribute types that can have multiple options.


It is possible via this module, to consolidate multiple values into one target value, such as merging "Man" and "Woman" into “Unisex” for unisex clothing.


How it Works?

Simply map the option values from your suppliers to your standardized values. Once set, the system will remember these mappings and apply them automatically to future data imports.

The "brand" attribute in the image below has multiple targeted options from your own taxonomy, so it is essential to map the received data.