Our new feature, ‘Simultaneous Work in the PIM’, has been designed to encourage efficient teamwork and reinforce global workflows.
By averting conflicts and facilitating simultaneous work on the same product in the user interface, teams save valuable time, eliminating the need to redo work and accelerating product launch schedules.

Real-time presence avatars
When a user accesses a product for enrichment, our system immediately checks whether another user is editing the same product.
If another user is active, ‘Simultaneous Work’ provides an instant view of profile photos or initials on top of the product edit form, identifying the user(s) working on the same product. Users can seamlessly collaborate within the platform to coordinate their efforts effectively.
If a user has personalized his profile with a picture, his/her avatar appears with this picture each time he/she is actively working on a product edit form. If a user hasn’t uploaded a profile picture, his initials (first name and name) will be displayed with a dedicated color. On the mouse hover, the user's full name will be displayed.
To ensure a harmonious collaborative experience, we encourage you and other contributors from your company to upload a profile picture.
Granular save in the product edit form
Till today, in the product edit form, if several users enrich different attributes for the same product, the last one saving the product would overwrite the work of others.
Today, with ‘Simultaneous Work’, when two or more users contribute to different attribute values (different channels and/or locales) for the same product, their modifications are considered and saved.
Editing the same product value(s)
Be aware that for users enriching the same attribute for the same locale and the same channel, the last user saving the product will still overwrite the work of the previous user.
Also, if you update any cell of a table attribute within a PEF while another user is on the same PEF, the entire table will be updated.
Use of API, bulk actions, or imports
The feature is non-compatible with the API, bulk actions, or imports; in the same way, when several users are enriching the same attribute on the same channel and locale, the last one saving will overwrite the work of the others whether they are working on the user interface, with the API, using bulk actions or imports.
These two features will be available for SaaS instances (GE & EE).