How can I preview the data?
Before you start the transfer of products, we encourage you to check if the mapping provides the expected data. You can validate that in the Preview and Transfer tab.

You can preview the data from Akeneo column by column for 10 sample products and check if the data is transferred as expected. Once you validated everything, you can continue with the transfer of products.
Preview attribute values
You can preview all product related data. Currently cou can not preview Asset or Category data.
What data can be transferred?
Attribute values
Attribute values is all the data that is directly configured on the Product. Every field that you configured in the mapping process will be transferred from Akeneo to Salesforce.a
Assets are all the pictures and attachments that you configured in the Custom Meta Data Object and then mapped to the corresponding Asset collection in Akeneo. For every asset of a product an Akeneo Product Asset record will be created in Salesforce.

Akeneo Product Asset Name | Internal name of the Product Asset |
Product | Related product |
Asset Type | Media Type from Custom Meta Data Record |
Asset URL | Value from Asset Collection - Asset attribute |
Products want to be organised properly. You can decide to transfer the category tree or the category tree with all product category assignments from Akeneo to Salesforce.
If you want to transfer the product category assignments, please make sure to select “Attribute values” and “Category assignments”
With every transfer we make sure to update the category tree according to the data available in Akeneo.
How can I start a transfer?
Everything starts with the catalog. Head to the catalog you want to transfer. Just use the main navigation to go to the overview of catalogs, find your catalog and go to the catalog details.
You can start a transfer immediately or schedule a transfer from here.
Start a transfer immediately
Just click on Transfer Products in the Preview and Transfer section of a catalog to start the configuration of the immediate transfer.

Product Data to be transferred is described above.
If you want to transfer products that have been updated within a certain date range, before a certain date or after a certain data you can configure Transfer products only for below range.
All products that have at least one value changed between the Start Date and the End Date will be transferred.
Schedule a transfer
Just go to the Schedule Job section to manage the configured scheduled jobs or to create a new one.

Scheduled transfer will save you a lot of work. It is very easy to schedule a transfer of product data. Just click on Add schedule job.
Product data to be transferred
The different data types are described above. You can schedule multiple transfers per product data type. Please make sure to keep the run time in mind wehen configure multiple scheduled jobs for the same data type.
Day(s) of the week
You can configure one or more days on which the job should run. The configured timezone on your Salesforce org will be used as a reference to determine when to start the scheduled job.
You can specify the time when the job should run on the configured day(s) of the week. The job always starts at the same time. If you want to configure different times for different days you have to configure multiple scheduled jobs.
Last successful transfer date
You can configure partial transfer of products based on the last successful transfer. If the box is checked, only products that changed after the last successful transfer for that catalog are transferred. You can reduce the runtime significantly using this feature.