August 2020 Serenity updates

No vacation for new features! This summer, our teams continued to work on the rules engine user interface: it's boosted with new actions and conditions. We also improved our API usability by adding search filters when retrieving attributes and families.


More and more capabilities in your rules builder interface!

Type: New  |  Features: Rules engine Productivity  |  Available in Serenity EE since mid-August  |  📖 Read the doc

As you may know, we recently introduced a brand new user interface to enable you to manage your rules directly in the PIM! We are still adding new filters (aka the conditions) and actions to make it more powerful!

The whole conditions and actions will be ready soon, stay tuned!

Not familiar with the context?
Here is a selection from our help center:
How to manage my rules?
What is a rule?
What is the rules engine?


Synchronize the API catalog structure more easily

Type: New  |  Features: API Connectivity  |  Available in Serenity EE since early August  |  📖 Read the doc

The new search parameter enables you to add filters when retrieving attributes or families.

Those filters will help reduce the amount of data to process and the size of the API call responses.

Here are the available filters:

  • updated date: allows you to retrieve only data updated since a specific date and hour,
  • code: allows you to filter on specific codes,
  • type: allows you to filter on attributes from a specific type (only available for attributes).

You can combine filters to achieve powerful results!

Let's take an example: you have an eCommerce platform that uses your PIM data. You know the list of all the attributes you need, and your application synchronizes the catalog structure every day at 3 PM.

The following filter enables you to retrieve all the attributes updated since the 2020-08-26 at 15:00 and matching one of the listed codes (brand, size, description, name, picture, color, secondary_color):

/api/rest/v1/attributes?search={"updated": [{ "operator": ">", "value": "2020-08-26T15:00:00Z"}],"code": [{ "operator": "IN", "value": ["brand","size","description","name","picture","color","secondary_color"]}]

Not familiar with the context?
Here is a selection from our help center:
How to filter attributes?
How to filter families?