February 2022 Serenity updates

Table Attributes got some love this February with a few key updates. Now you can include measurements when creating a table attribute, and import options from existing attributes to save you time.


Measurements in Table Attributes

Type: New | Feature: Productivity | Available in Serenity EE and GE since February | 📖 Read the doc

Take advantage of measurements when building table attributes. This is particularly helpful when creating tables with dimensions. Next time you need a table to display your product and package dimensions utilize width, length, and height and select your desired unit of measurement.

Not familiar with the context?
Here is a selection from our help center:
What is a Table Attribute


Use Existing Options in Table Attributes

Type: New | Feature: Productivity | Available in Serenity EE and GE since February

Creating a Table Attribute has never been easier. With the ability to import options from an existing attribute, you’ll save time when creating your table. For example, if you are creating a Food Composition table, and you already have a list of ingredients under an existing attribute. You can now import the options from that attribute, like sugar or flour, in order to create the options for that new label.

Not familiar with the context?
Here is a selection from our help center:
What is a Table Attribute